

We are proud to bring this page on our blog. We hope that this can give you a good laughing therapy.We welcome your comments and suggestions to make this page a common place for healthy entertainments.For comments simply mail to kaudinyagovind@gmail.com or cbaral4@gmail.com

Some Jokes
मुन्द्रे  : (नर्सलाई जिस्क्याउदै) आई लव यु, तिमिले मेरो मुटु चोर्यौ ।
नर्स :  (लजाउँदै) होईन काहाँ मुटु चोर्नु मुटुत छोको पनि छैन हामिले त तपाईको Kidney पो चोरेको हो त ।